Intelligent Computer Systems Research Institute

Faculty and Research Fellows

Faculty and Research Fellows

Wendy Chun

Area of interests: Project Management and Cloud Compute

Maikel Espinosa

Assistant Professor of Professional Practice
Area of interest:  Machine Learning

Robert Gregory

Associate Professor
Areas of interest include forms of organizing; digital transformation; digital innovation; and organizational change.

Ola Henfridsson

Professor | Associate Dean of Online Business Programs
Areas of interest include digital innovation; technology management platforms; smart contracts; and blockchain.

Kevin Hong

Areas of interest include the future of work; digital platforms; digital media; and human-AI interactions.

Nina Huang

Associate Professor
Areas of interest include user experience; digital artifact design; and digital platforms.

Alexander Korogodsky

Areas of interest include ethical use of AI in organizations; digital innovation and transformation management; and value creation and capture.
Kris Murphy

Krishna Murphy

Areas of interest include data visualization, and human-centric computing.
Stuart Pardau

Stuart Pardau

Associate Professr
Areas of interest include AI and the law; employment law; and intellectual property.
Stuart Pardau

Gery Perez

Areas of interest include data visualization, and human-centric computing.
Stuart Pardau

Robert Plant

Associate Professor and Department Chair, Business Technology
Areas of interest include neuro-symbolic AI, validation of AI systems; AI and ethics, and AI and labor economics.
Stuart Pardau

Sarah Rushinek

Areas of interest include generative AI applications; intelligent conversational chatbots; machine learning automated trading systems; natural language processing; and large language models.
Erotokritos Skordilis

Erotokritos Skordilis

Areas of interest include machine learning; automotive systems, and advanced EV systems.
Niam Yaraghi

Niam Yaragi

Associate Professor
Research interest include the economics of health IT; health IT policy, and patient privacy.